Landry Low
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Something Familiar: Credits
spring 2015

Lookbook Photos [+Photos of my grandmother]: Tory Rust

[additional photos by LLL]

Featured Faces: Anastasia cook, Anne Low, Mace ferrer, Etoro umoren, Theo Brown, Kris Kim, Mark Fingerhut, Sophie Morris, julie finn, and eli todd

Extra extra special thanks to Anastasia cook, Anderson osmun, and Theo brown for being the barrier around the deep end, playing courier when I flushed my phone down the toilet, and contributing to all of the most important parts of this work. 

Roots: Credits
spring 2014

Video: Nicola Scandiffio

model: Kate Conway

Wooden Canteen by: jackson meineke

[photos by LLL]





HULA: Credits
SUmmer 2013


Collaborator, photography [& model!] : Mariano Gemmo

Shirtain: Credits
Summer 2013

Collaborator: Mariano Gemmo

Photos by: Mariano gemmo, Lauren Walter,  [&LLL]

Special thanks to: Mariano Gemmo, lauren Walter, Martha Schwindling, Thomas Busch, and Claire Mckinney for lending their hands & spirits to a giant shirt 

Strings: credits
spring 2013

Models: Natasha Hesketh & Kayla Newnam

[photos by LLL]